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Article 12

Regional Authorities

(1) In connection with the elections to the Chamber of Deputies each regional authority

a) deals with all relevant organisational and technical aspects of the preparation, development and execution of the elections within its region, b) assesses and registers candidate lists, c) informs the mayors of registered candidate lists, d) forwards the addresses of all respective representatives of those political parties, movements and coalitions whose candidate lists have been registered to district election commissions, e) organises the printing of ballot tickets within its region, f) secures premises and supporting facilities for the Czech Statistical Office on a regional level and collaborates with the Czech Statistical Office in the area of processing and provision of election results on a regional level, g) secures supporting facilities for the elections on a regional level, h) archives election documents, i) carries out other activities in compliance with this act of law.

(2) Only the employees of regional authorities holding certificates in compliance with special legal regulations5k) are entitled to

a) accept candidate lists and confirm their delivery (Article 31, Section 3), b) assess candidate lists and request correction of errors (Article 33, Section 1), c) accept notifications of dismissal of representatives (Article 32, Section 5), d) produce and send registration resolutions, resolutions on rejection of candidate lists or resolutions on deletion of candidates from a candidate list (Article 33, Sections 4 and 5), e) accept notifications on withdrawal or dismissal of candidates (Article 36, Section 2), f) change the order of candidates in candidate lists (Article 36, Section 3), g) sign reports on election results in election regions (Article 46, Section 4).

(3) In connection with the elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate each regional authority

a) deals with all complaints concerning organisational and technical aspects of the elections on a local level, b) monitors the course of voting at polling stations, c) imposes fines in compliance with this act of law, d) secures all necessary technical facilities and staff for the offices established by designated municipal authorities in collaboration with the Czech Statistical Office.

(4) The activities defined in Section 3, Subsection b) may be carried out only by the employees of regional authorities holding certificates in compliance with special legal regulations5k).


5k) Act No. 491/2001 Coll. on elections to municipal councils and on change of selected acts of law, as amended by Act No. 230/2002 Coll.