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Article 61

Registration Application Particulars

(1) Each registration application shall feature

a) the candidate’s first name, surname, age, occupation and municipality of permanent residence,

b) the name of the political party, movement or coalition registering the candidate or a statement specifying that the candidate is independent; if the registration application is being presented by a coalition, it must include the names of all political parties and movements forming it,

c) the number and seat of the election district in which the candidate runs,

d) the candidate’s membership in political party or movement or a statement specifying that the candidate is without party affiliation,

e) the name of the political party or movement nominating a coalition candidate,

f) signature of the representative of the political party, movement or coalition concerned,

g) the first name and surname of the person authorised to act on behalf of the political party or movement concerned, his/her official title and his/her signature; the first names and surnames of the persons authorised to act on behalf of the political parties and movements forming a coalition, their official titles and their signatures; if the registration application is being presented by an independent candidate, he/she must add his/her signature.

(2) Each registration application must also contain

a) documents establishing the candidate’s citizenship7),

b) the candidate’s written statement signed in his/her own hand in which he/she agrees to stand as a candidate and in which he/she declares that he/she is not aware of any disqualifying circumstances or that any and all existing disqualifying circumstances will pass as of the date of elections and that he/she has not agreed to be featured in any other registration application presented in another election district; he/she must also specify whether he/she is a member of any political party or movement or whether he/she is without party affiliation and state his/her permanent address and his/her Birth Identification Number,

c) the first name, surname and permanent address of the authorised representative of the political party, movement or coalition presenting the registration application in a special schedule; each political party, movement and coalition shall also be entitled to designate an alternate representative, stating his/her first name, surname and permanent address,

d) petition supporting an independent candidate, signed by at least 1,000 qualified voters from the election district in which such an independent candidate stands; each signed voter must state his/her first name, surname, Birth Identification Number and permanent address; if any voter fails to state the aforementioned particulars, states such particulars incorrectly or fails to sign the petition, he/she shall be disregarded; the caption of each petition shall feature the candidate’s first name and surname, the number and seat of the election district in which he/she stands and the year of the elections,

e) receipt confirming that a deposit totalling CZK 20,000.00 has been duly settled; the deposit has to be paid to a special account established by designated local authority in the seat of election district no later than 72 days before the date of the elections and conducted by the Czech National Bank; the relevant district authority in the seat of election district shall return the aforementioned deposit to every candidate acquiring at least 6 per cent of the overall amount of valid votes no later than 1 month after the publication of election results; any interest on the deposits and all unreturned deposits form a part of the revenues of the State Budget.

(3) Any person, except for persons younger than 18 years of age, legally disqualified persons and candidates, may become an authorised representative or an alternate representative. Each political party, movement and coalition is bound by all election-related acts of its authorised representative. Each political party, movement or coalition may revoke the authorisation of its representative or alternate representative in writing. The authorisation shall be regarded as revoked as soon as delivered to the relevant designated local authority in the seat of election district. Independent candidates cannot have representatives.

7) Article 20 of Act No. 40/1993 Coll. on acquisition and loss of the citizenship of the Czech Republic.