Home > 6.2 Coalitions > CZECH REPUBLIC - Act on Elections to the Parliament
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Article 67

Ballot Tickets

(1) After registering all registration applications, each designated local authority in the seat of election district shall organise the printing of ballot tickets.

(2) Each registered candidate shall be listed on a separate ballot ticket marked with his/her duly drawn unique number. The caption of each ballot ticket shall feature the number and seat of the election district in which it is to be used. Each ballot ticket shall also feature the candidate’s first name, surname, age, occupation, municipality in which he/she has his/her permanent address and the political party or movement of which he/she is a member or a statement specifying that he/she is without party affiliation. It is also necessary to state the political party, movement or coalition that has applied for the candidate’s registration. If the candidate has been registered by a coalition, it is necessary to specify all political parties and movements forming such coalition and to state the political party or movement nominating him/her. Any independent candidate may check personally whether the information stated on any ballot ticket is correct before its printing. Political parties and movements may check the same through their authorised representatives.

(3) All ballot tickets in each election district must be printed in the same font of the same size on paper of the same colour, quality and dimensions. All ballot papers must be stamped with the official stamp of the designated local authority in the seat of election district.

(4) Designated local authorities in the seat of the election district shall send ballot tickets through designated local authorities to mayors who shall arrange their distribution among all voters no later than 3 days before the date of the elections and among all district election commissions on the day of the elections. In municipalities where no mayor has been elected ballot tickets shall be distributed within the aforementioned time limit by the deputy mayor. In municipalities where no mayor and deputy mayor have been elected ballot tickets shall be distributed by the director of the regional authority.

(5) Ballot papers featuring obvious printing errors shall not be reprinted; each designated local authority in the seat of the election district shall make sure that information on such errors is made available at every polling station located within its territory, together with their correct version.