(1) The Central Electoral Bureau shall settle the contestations received from the county electoral bureaux, the electoral bureaux of the districts of Bucharest Municipality and the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad, and afterwards it shall draw up a statement of the vote that shall include:
a) the total number of voters entered on the permanent electoral rolls [point a) >/= point b1 ];
b) the total number of voters who reported to the polls [point b) = point b1 + point b2 + point b3], of which:
b1 – the total number of voters who reported to the polls, entered on the copies of the permanent electoral rolls;
b2 – the total number of voters who voted in another polling station than the one they belonged to by distribution according to their domicile, entered on the table provided for in Art. 9 (1);
b3 – the total number of voters who voted by using the special ballot box, entered on the table provided for in Art. 9 paragraph (2);
c) the total number of the validly cast votes [point c) </= point b) – point d)], [point c) = sum of validly cast ballots under point h)];
d) the total number of rejected votes;
e) number of ballot papers received [point e) >/= point c) + point d) + point f) ];
f) the number of unused and rejected ballot papers;
g) the number of votes necessary to be elected President of Romania, according to Art. 2 (1) point b) [point a)/2 + 1];
h) the total number of validly cast votes obtained by each candidate;
i) the full name of the candidate that met the conditions of Art. 81 of the Constitution of Romania, republished;
j) the full names of the candidates who will participate in the second round, in case of need.
(2) The provisions of Art. 49 (2) – (4) shall apply accordingly.
(3) The statement of the vote for each round, together with the statements of the vote – that record and centralize the voting results – drawn up by the county electoral bureaux, the electoral bureaux of the districts of Bucharest Municipality, the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad, and the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, received according to Art. 50 paragraph (3), shall be submitted within 24 hours of the registration of the last file.
(4) In the second round, the provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply accordingly; next, the full name of the candidate whose election has been established shall be entered on the statement according to the provisions of Art. 81 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of Romania, republished.
(5) The Central Electoral Bureau shall submit to the Permanent Electoral Authority the files containing the copies of the permanent electoral rolls and the tables used in the polling stations in both rounds, as well as the statements on one’s own account provided for in Art. 44 paragraph (4). Upon the complaint of the political parties, organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliances, electoral alliances, and of the independent candidates participating in the elections, lodged within 15 days at most of the validation of each round and accompanied by the related proofs, the Permanent Electoral Authority shall check the copies of the permanent electoral rolls and the tables used in the polling stations the complaint refers to, in order to discover the cases in which a person has voted without being entitled to, or has voted several times in the same round. The time limit set for the check of the electoral rolls used in the polling stations shall be of 6 months since the receipt thereof. In case the Permanent Electoral Authority finds out evidence about the perpetration of the offences provided for in Art. 387 of the Criminal Code, it shall refer the case to the competent authorities.
(6) At the expiry of the time limit provided for in paragraph (5) for the check of the copies of the permanent electoral rolls and of the tables used in the polling stations, the Permanent Electoral Authority shall ensure the electronic filing thereof, as well as of the statements on one’s own account provided for in Art. 44 (4) and (5), by a provider of electronic filing services in compliance with Law no. 135/2007 on the electronic filing of documents.