Home > 6 Political parties > ROMANIA - Law no. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority
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Article 118

(1) Within the meaning of this law, we understand by electoral competitors the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and legally set up organisations of citizens belonging to a national minority represented in the Council of National Minorities, taking part in the elections, as well as independent candidates.

(2) Within the meaning of this law, we understand by parliamentary political parties the political parties and other political groups having their own parliamentary group in at least one of the Chambers of Parliament, which have obtained, following the last elections for the Romanian Parliament, mandates of Deputies or Senators for the candidates registered on their lists or on the lists of a political or electoral alliance that the respective political parties or groups have been members of, as well as the political or electoral alliances including such political parties or groups.

(3) Within the meaning of this law, we understand by the body of electoral experts the permanent record of the persons who can become presidents of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations in the country or their alternates, set up, managed and updated by the Permanent Electoral Authority.

(4) Within the meaning of this law, we understand by the body of electoral experts abroad the permanent record of the persons who can become presidents of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations abroad or their alternates, set up, managed and updated by the Permanent Electoral Authority.