According to Article 97.1, coalitions may be formed after the first round, and if they obtain the majority of the seats preliminarily distributed after the first round, a second round is not needed (such a coalition is also entitled to receive extra seats to reach a majority with at least 54 per cent of the mandates). However, such coalitions can only be formed with a maximum of two other political parties or alliances. The Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR delegation was informed by the authorities that this limitation was introduced to ensure the constitutional requirement on “stable majorities”. However, a pre-election alliance by itself consists of a number of parties, and the fact that it is formed before the elections does not guarantee its stability. It is very difficult to regulate the political platforms of coalitions and to assess whether they will be stable or not. The limitation of the number of partners in a coalition does not offer per se such a guarantee and any such quantitative restrictions on coalition-building require a clear justification. It is recommended to reconsider restrictions on the number of participants in a coalition.