Home > Verifying procedure of the voter's register > ARMENIA - Joint Opinion on the Draf Electoral Code (As of 18 April 2016)
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Paragraph 65

The draft code proposes a system of voter identification in Article 66 that serves to improve transparency of voter identification, but it is not sufficient of itself to eliminate the possibility of fraudulent voting on someone’s behalf or other forms of multiple voting. The draft code eliminates the stamping of the identification documents of voters. Some interlocutors suggested the inking of voters fingers to prevent multiple voting, at least as a short-term measure. Such a mechanism can be regarded as one of the effective and reasonable safeguards against multiple voting and is used in a number of countries in the European space and OSCE region, including Albania, Georgia, Serbia, and the “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. It is recommended to introduce additional safeguards against potential multiple voting. In the short term, this could include the inking of voters’ fingers.