Home > Accessibility to the media by participants in the election > MOLDOVA - Joint Opinion on the Legal Framework of Governing the Funding of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns
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Paragraph 36

As far as indirect public support of political parties and electoral contestants is concerned, the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR note that the EC includes specific provisions on access to the media. Article 64 of the EC requires public broadcasters to “allocate free airtime to electoral candidates in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, based on objective and transparent criteria”. Further details on media coverage in elections are regulated in Article 64 of the EC. In this respect, it is noted that the 2017 draft amendments to the EC included changes to that Article, according to which national and public broadcasters would no longer have been required to provide free airtime and to organise debates for candidates in majoritarian elections. However, those amendments were not adopted, in line with the recommendation made in the 2017 Joint Opinion, which is to be welcomed.