Article 4 of Delegated Decree no. 117 of 13 December 2007 shall be amended as follows:
"In order to be eligible to vote according to Art. 2, a declaration by homebound voters stating their will to vote at home and containing the full address, shall be received by 2:00 p.m. of the thirteenth day preceding the day of general elections or referendum.
If the voter needs the assistance of another voter, according to Art. 35, paragraph 2 of Law no. 6 of 31 January 1996, the application for home voting may be signed by the assisting person.
The declaration above shall be accompanied by a medical certificate issued by a person authorised under Art. 35, paragraph 5. Such declaration shall certify the severe disability or illness impeding, in any way, the transportation of the voter to the polling station where he/she is registered, as well as the possible need to be assisted during the vote, according to the article mentioned above.
The Head of the Electoral Office shall inform the voter whether the Electoral Commission has accepted the application for home voting, after verifying the requirements set forth in this article.
The list of voters eligible to home vote shall be delivered to the Chairperson of the special polling station according to Art. 22, paragraph 3, of Law no. 6 of 31 January 1996, together with the electoral material.
The admission to home vote by the Election Commission, for general elections and the election of Township Councils and their Heads, shall apply for both the first and second round of voting."