Home > 1.1.2 Voters' registration and registers > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Electoral Code
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Article 47

The special excerpts from the Voters List, referred to in article 46 of this Code, shall be prepared in two copies, as follows:
- for the citizens who during the election are temporarily employed or residing abroad the first excerpt is systematized according to the polling station and the electoral district and the in the remark column the state in which the citizen has a temporary employment or residence abroad and the location of the DCO, i.e. consular offices is stipulated, and the second excerpt is systematized according to the country in which the citizens are temporarily employed or residing abroad, the location of the DCO, i.e. consular offices and in the remark column it is stipulated the number of the polling station and the electoral district,
- for citizens who are in custody or are serving prison sentence during the elections, one copy is systematized according to polling station or municipality, the remark column contains the municipality in which the penitentiary institution is located; the second copy is systematized according to the penitentiary institution and the municipality in which it is located: the remark column contains the number of the polling station, and the municipality to which that polling station belongs, and
- for the members of the Election Boards for voting at the DCO i.e. the consular offices one copy shall be systematized according to the polling station, municipality and electoral district and the word SEC shall be entered in the remarks section, whereas the second copy shall be systematized according to the SEC, and the polling station, municipality and electoral district shall be entered in the remark column.