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Article 51

(1) The State Election Commission shall adopt a decision upon the requests and the applications of the citizens of Article 50 and Article 50-а of this Code within 24 hours of its receipt and if determined that the request is valid, in line with the Rulebook on Methodology for Full Access, Interventions and Deletion of Data in the Voter List, it shall enter, add, or erase data in the Voter List and shall email the decision to the citizen. If not, it shall adopt a decision by which it shall reject the request and shall email such decision to the citizen.

(2) The citizen may appeal the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article before the Administrative Court, within 24 hours of its receipt.

(3) The Administrative Court shall decide upon the appeal referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article within 24 hours of its receipt, and shall immediately email the decision to the complainant.

(4) The State Election Commission shall decide upon the requests and applications of the citizens, referred to in article 50 and article 50-a of this Code, within 24 hours from the day of receiving the request and if it determines that the request is well founded, it will enter, add or delete data, if not, it will reject the request with a decision.

(5) The citizen may file a lawsuit against the decision referred to in paragraph (1) of this article to the Administrative Court within 24 hours from receiving the decision.

(6) The Administrative Court shall decide upon the lawsuit referred to in paragraph (2) of this article within 24 hours from receiving the complaint.

(7) The final decision of the Administrative Court on the appeal to enter, add and delete data shall become an integral part of the Voters List confirmed by the State Election Commission.