Home > Submission of a list of candidates > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Electoral Code
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Article 191

(1) Following receipt of the candidates’ lists for Members of the Council and the candidates’ lists for Mayors, the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje determines whether the list has been submitted in the additionally prescribed deadline pursuant to article 191-a of this Law, and whether it has been compiled in line with the provisions of this Law.
(2) Should irregularities detected in the list from paragraph (1) of this article, the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje will summon the authorized representative of the list submitter to remove the irregularities within five hours of the receipt of the lists.
(3) Should the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje establishes that the list from paragraph (1) has been submitted within the additionally prescribed deadline and has been complied in line with the provisions of this Code, i.e. the list submitters had removed the detected irregularities or omissions within the deadline prescribed in paragraph (2) of this article, it shall confirm the submitted lists with a decision.
(4) Should the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje establish that the lists from paragraph (1) have been submitted untimely, i.e. the list submitters had not removed the detected irregularities or omissions within the deadline prescribed by paragraph (2) of this article, a decision will be taken within six hours of the receipt of the lists to reject the submitted list.
(5) Against the decision of the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje from paragraph (4) of this article, a lawsuit may be submitted to the Administrative Court, through the State Election Commission, within six hours upon receipt of the decision.
(6) The Administrative Court is obliged to take a decision within six hours upon receipt of the lawsuit.
(7) Submission of complaint and lawsuit by post is not permitted.