Home > Voting procedures > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament)
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Article 43

Submission and Verification of Signature collecting lists

(1) After the signature collecting lists have been submitted, the competent election administration body shall start the veri"cation of the authenticity of the signatures on sheets, including the right to vote of the persons who were included in the lists and their residence. !e signature collecting lists shall be checked within five days from the day of submission.

(2) The Central Electoral Commission or the district electoral council shall inform submitters of signature collecting lists about the results of verification and shall
announce the total number of names included on the sheets submitted by each candidate in elections, as well as the number of signatures found valid.

(3) Persons collecting signatures on signature collecting lists shall be held responsible for the authenticity of the data included in sheets.

(4) The following shall be considered null and void:

a) signature collecting lists in which names have been entered prior to the official start of the nomination period;
b) signatures on the signature collecting lists that are considered to be counterfeited;
c) signature collecting lists that do not meet the requirements of Article 42, par. (4) and (6).