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Article 68

Courts Rulings on Complaints

(1) A court of law shall rule utilizing the Code of civil procedure and Law on administrative litigation.

(2) After examining the materials regarding confirmation of elections’ legality and validation of mandates, a court shall rule on: confirming legality of elections in respective districts, validating mandates of the elected councillors and mayors, and shall list winners of councillors’ position.

(3) In the event that a court has confirmed legality of elections, but tabulation errors are found in minutes, a court of law shall, on its own initiative or at the request of a complainant, annul, totally of partially, the minutes, and shall exclude the candidate with a smaller number of valid votes, replacing him/her with the candidate with a greater number of valid votes. This will be done by decreasing order of numbers after votes are divided by the number of mandates.

(4) A court of law shall not validate results of local elections in a respective electoral district if fraud(s) committed during elections or during tabulation of results have affected the elections’ results.

(5) Court rulings shall be final and binding for execution upon their adjudication.

(6) Court rulings may be appealed within three days of their adoption.

(7) Such appeals shall be examined within three days of submission.