Home > 5.1.3 Referendum requested by part of the electorate > HUNGARY - Act CCXXXVIII of 2013 on Initiating Referendums, the European Citizens’ Initiative and Referendum Procedure
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12. Submission of the question proposed for a local referendum

(1) Before commencing the collection of signatures the organiser shall submit – on a template of the signature sheet – the question proposed for local referendum to the local election commission for certification of that question.

(2) On a signature sheet there may be one question. 

(3) When submitting the question, the private individual organiser shall give his name, home address and personal identification number to the local election commission.The local election office shall verify in the central electoral register whether the organiser has the right to vote.

(4) Any other association shall attach its deed of foundation as well when submitting a question. The local election office shall verify the existence of the party or other association in question and the correctness of their data based on the court register of non-governmental organisations.

(5) The members of the body of representatives and the body of representatives’ committee shall submit to the local election commission the question proposed for the local referendum initiated by them for certification of that question.

(6) The question may be submitted in person or by mail.

(7) The date of submission is the date on which the local election office receives the question.