Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > HUNGARY - Act CCXXXVIII of 2013 on Initiating Referendums, the European Citizens’ Initiative and Referendum Procedure
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36. Content of the ballot paper

(1) On a ballot paper there may be only one question.

(2) The ballot paper for a local referendum shall contain

a) the text „ballot paper”,

b) a space marked for stamping in the top left corner,

c) the name „local referendum”,

d) the day of the local referendum,

e) the indication of the settlement, county or capital

f) the indication that the vote is valid only if only one question is answered,

g) the question asked in that referendum,

h) the options ’Yes’ and ’No’,

i) a circle for the vote mark,

j) information on the formal requirements for a valid vote.

(3) The content of the ballot paper shall be approved by the local election commission no later than thirty days before the date of the poll.