Home > Voting procedures > CROATIA- The Law on the election of the President
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Article 35

After voting has been completed, the electoral committee shall first count the unused ballots and place them in a separate folder and seal it.

After that the electoral committee shall, according to the electoral list or excerpts there from and on the basis of the record, determine the total number of the electors who have voted, and start opening the ballot boxes and counting the votes.

If at the counting of votes at the a polling station it is found that the number of those voting according to the electoral list is bigger than the number of votes according to the ballots, the results of the voting shall be valid according to the ballots cast.

If at the counting of votes at polling station it is found that the number of electors who have voted is smaller than the number of votes in the ballot box, the electoral committee shall be dissolved and a new one appointed, and voting at the polling station shall be repeated. Voting results at this polling station shall be determined within 24 hours after the repeated voting.