Home > 4 Types of elections > CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016
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Article 119

(1) The political party or organisation is obliged to issue the observer they have designated certification of his/her status as observer. The certificate shall be issued and signed by the person authorised for the representation of the political party or organisation, as designated by the statute or other decision adopted on the basis of the statute of the party, or a representative authorised by that person.

(2) The proponent or leader of a list of candidates of voters, the proponent of the candidacy of a candidate of a group of voters, or voters from national minorities or a candidate of a group of voters are obliged to issue the observer they have designated with a certificate of his/her status as observer. The certificate shall be issued and signed by the proponent or leader of the list of candidates of voters, the voters from national minorities, the proponent of the candidacy of a candidate of a group of voters or the candidate of a group of voters, or a representative whom that person authorises.

(3) A candidate in the elections may not be an observer at the elections in which he/she is a candidate.