Home > 4 Types of elections > CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016
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Article 140

When this Act comes into force, the following shall cease to apply:

- the Act on Elections for Municipality heads, Mayors, County Prefects and the Mayor of the City of Zagreb (Official Gazette, nos. 109/07, 125/08, 24/11 and 150/11), except for the provisions regulating the incompatibility of holding office of municipality head, mayor and county prefect and their deputies, which remain in force until the day the municipality heads, mayors and county prefects, elected at the very next general and regular elections for municipality heads, mayors and county prefects, take up office;

- the Act on Elections for Members of Representative Bodies of Units of Local and Regional Self-government (Official Gazette, nos. 33/01, 10/02, 155/02, 45/03, 43/04, 40/05, 44/05 and 109/07), except for the provisions prescribing the suspension of the term of office and the incompatibility of holding office of a member of a representative body of a unit, which remain in force until the day the decision to call the next general and regular elections for members of representative bodies of units of local and regional self-government comes into force.