Summarisation of election results
1. Results of elections of the President of Georgia shall be prepared and summarised by the CEC immediately after the elections are completed, at the CEC meeting, which is held at the Georgian Parliament palace.
2. The following information shall be specified in a summary protocol of the Georgian Presidential election results:
a) the number of the Election Panel members;
b) the number of the Election Panel members participating in the elections;
c) first names and surnames of the Election Panel members participating in the elections;
d) the number of the votes received by each of the candidates participating in the elections;
e) information regarding which member of the Election Panel voted for which candidate;
f) the number of invalid ballot papers;
g) the identity of candidates having passed through the second round, and/or the identity of the President of Georgia elected as a result of the first or second round.
3. A summary protocol of the Georgian Presidential election results shall be signed by the chairperson and the secretary of the CEC. The protocol may be appealed by appropriate member/members of the Election Panel, and/or by a candidate for President of Georgia under the procedure and within time limits established by Article 77(5) of this Law.
4. The documentation for holding elections of the President of Georgia shall be sealed and stored by the CEC at the CEC under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.
5. A summary protocol of the Georgian Presidential election results shall be drawn up in 3 copies, one of which shall be forwarded to the President of Georgia, the second one shall be sent to the Parliament of Georgia, and the third one shall be stored at the CEC.
6. The CEC shall publish a notice about the results of the Georgian Presidential elections on its official website within 2 days after the results of the Georgian Presidential elections are summarised.
7. The power of the Election Panel set up for the election of the President of Georgia shall be terminated upon taking of the oath by the President elected as a result of the Georgian Presidential Elections.
Organic Law of Georgia No 3266 of 21 July 2018 – website, 13.8.2018