Home > 4.1 Parliamentary elections > KOSOVO - Law No. 003/L-073 on General Elections and Amendments 2010
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Article 103

Storage of Ballots and Transportation of Election Material

103.1 After completion of the count, all used and unused ballots, Final Voters List, Conditional Voters List, Poll Book, conditional ballot envelopes containing marked ballots, and other official election materials of the Polling Station shall be:

a) packed and transported in accordance with CEC rules;

b) transported under secure conditions to a location specified by the CEC.

103.2 The Chairperson of the PSC shall accompany the transport of ballots and election materials to the designated collection point, and if requested, accompanied by a member from the opposition at the respective level chosen by consensus, or in absence thereof, drawn by a lot organized by the Chairperson.

103.3 The ballots, forms and the other election materials transported to the specified location in Kosovo shall be stored there under secure conditions until all complaints are resolved and results are certified by the CEC.

103.4 The CEC shall, by decision after the official certification of the results of the election, destroy specified election materials at an appropriate time within 60 days, except as directed by ECAC.