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Article 15

Formation of Constituency Electoral Committees

1. For the period of an election the Central Electoral Committee shall set up constituency electoral committees no later than 85 days in advance of the election.

2. Constituency electoral committees shall be composed of:

1) a person nominated by the Minister of Justice, having a university law degree, who resides or works in the territory of the municipality the whole or a part whereof has been designated to this constituency;

2) a person nominated by the Lithuanian Lawyers’ Association, having a university law degree, who resides or works in the territory of the municipality the whole or a part whereof has been designated to this constituency;

3) a career civil servant nominated by the director of the municipal administration and employed in the administration of the municipality the whole or a part whereof has been designated to this constituency;

4) persons nominated by parties which have received the mandates of the Seimas members in the multi-member constituency.

3. The Minister of Justice, the Lithuanian Lawyers' Society and the director of the municipal director may nominate more candidates. If the territory of a constituency is made up of territories of several municipalities, the committee must include career civil servants employed in the administration of all of these municipalities, nominated by the director of the administration of these municipalities.

4. Parties which have received the mandates of the Seimas members in the multi-member constituency according to the list (joint list) of candidates shall each have the right to nominate one representative to constituency electoral committees from one list of the candidates nominated in this multi-candidate constituency. If the representatives nominated by the parties meet the requirements of this Law, the Central Electoral Commission may not turn down said candidates for the posts. If candidates have not been nominated for the posts, the Central Electoral Commission may, instead of them, additionally appoint as committee members the persons nominated by the Minister of Justice, the Lithuanian Lawyers' Society or a director of the municipal administration.

5. In all cases, no less than three committee members must be persons who have been appointed to constituency electoral committees from among the candidates nominated by the Minister of Justice, the Lithuanian Lawyers' Society or a director of the municipal administration. If the number of such persons is less, additional members to the committee shall be appointed from among the candidates nominated by the Minister of Justice, the Lithuanian Lawyers' Society or a director of the municipal administration.

6. If elections to the Seimas or elections of the President of the Republic, or elections to the European Parliament, or elections to municipal councils, or a referendum are concurrently held on the same day, the same polling district electoral committees or referendum committees shall be formed. The Central Electoral Commission shall form a single – municipal election, constituency or referendum – committee in a separate electoral, referendum territory and shall define its functions in organising and conducting other elections or a referendum.

7. The Central Electoral Commission shall appoint a chairman of a constituency electoral committee from the members of the committee. A person having the experience of working as a chairman or member of the Central Electoral Commission or a constituency electoral committee or a municipal electoral commission, the experience of working as a chairman of polling district electoral committee shall be appointed as chairman of a constituency electoral committee.

8. During its first meeting, the constituency electoral committee shall elect the deputy chairman and the secretary of the committee.