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Article 90

Rights, responsibilities and guarantees of activities of candidates for Deputy

1. Candidates for Deputy shall have equal rights and shall bear equal responsibilities, except for the cases prescribed by this Code.

2. A person registered as a candidate for Deputy, for the period of having the status of a candidate for Deputy, as well as an elected Deputy, before assuming the powers of a Deputy, shall not be subject to be called for drills or military trainings or to be drafted for compulsory military service.

3. Candidates for Deputy shall have the right to withdraw their candidacy in case of submitting an application no later than 10 days before the voting day, by 18:00, as well as after the voting day. An application for recusal shall be certified by a notary, or the candidate shall confirm his or her application for recusal at the sitting of the Central Electoral Commission.

In case a candidate for Deputy submits an application for recusal, the candidate shall be removed from the national and district lists of a political party (alliance of political parties).

The name, surname of a candidate included in the electoral lists of a political party (alliance of political parties) shall be removed from the electoral lists as prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission.

4. No later than 10 days before the voting day, by 18:00, political parties (alliances of political parties) or member political parties to the alliance shall have the right to submit an application for recusal by attaching the decision of the permanently functioning governing body of a political party (all member political parties to the alliance), respectively.

5. Criminal prosecution of a candidate for Deputy, an elected Deputy, before assuming his or her powers as a Deputy, may be conducted only upon the consent of the Central Electoral Commission. Without the consent of the Central Electoral Commission, he or she may not be deprived of liberty, except when he or she has been caught at the time of or immediately after committing a criminal offence. The Central Electoral Commission shall adopt a decision on the mentioned issue by at least 2/3 of votes of the total number of members of the Commission. The provision prescribed by this part does not apply to the citizens arrested or detained before being registered as candidates, as well as cases of imposing detention as a measure of restraint upon the arrested person and extending the term of detention of the mentioned persons.