Home > 6 Political parties > CROATIA - Act on Election of Members of Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units
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Article 8

Members of the representative bodies shall have their deputies who shall exercise that office in case the term of office of a member of the representative body has been suspended or has ceased before the period for which he/she was elected.

A member of the representative body elected on the party list shall be replaced by a non-elected candidate from the same list, as determined by the party that nominated the list.

A member of the representative body elected on a coalition list of two or more political parties shall be replaced by a non-elected candidate from the same list, as determined by the political party, to which the member of the representative body whose term of office has ceased belonged to at the moment of the elections.

A member of the representative body elected on an independent list shall be replaced by the first next non-elected candidate from the list.