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Article 117

Voting protocol

(1) The protocol shall be signed by the president and Election Board members.
(2) The protocol shall be considered valid if signed by the majority of the Election Board members whose signatures have been deposited.
(3) The president of the Election Board should state the reasons for the protocol not being signed by a member of the Election Board.
(4) If the majority of members of the Election Board do not sign the protocol, the protocol shall be completed and signed by the Municipal Election Commission i.e. the Election Commission of the City of Skopje, based upon the entire election material.
(5) Should the present representatives of the list submitters have remarks, the president of the Election Board shall ensure that they are recorded in the protocol and can be used as grounds in the procedure for protection of the right to vote. Should the present representatives of the lists submitters have any remarks, the president shall ensure that they are recorded in the protocol and can be used as grounds in the procedure for protection of the right to vote.
(6) If the remarks by the representatives of the list submitters referred to in paragraph (5) of this article are not recorded in the protocol, they shall have the right to submit them to the Municipal Election Commission or the Election Commission of the City of Skopje within 5 hours after the completion of the protocol and can be used as grounds for filing a complaint.
(7) If the protocol from the voting at the DCOs or consular offices has not been signed by the majority of members of the Election Board, the protocol shall be prepared and signed by the State Election Commission based on the entire election material.
(8) If the accredited observers have any remarks on the work of the Election Board, they shall be entitled to enter them in the polling place logbook.