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Article 173

Conditions for the functioning of polling stations

(1) Voting shall be conducted in a closed room that fulfils the conditions for individual, free and secret voting of the voters.
(2) The names of the inhabited places and parts of the inhabited places (streets and parts of streets) that are covered by the polling station (its description) shall be displayed in the room where the voting is conducted.
(3) The voting room shall be equipped with polling booths, screens or curtains so that voters cannot be seen when marking the ballot.
(4) Every polling booth must be equipped with a pen for the needs of the voters.
(5) Ballot boxes made of hard material shall be placed in the voting room and they shall be handed over to the Election Boards sealed, along with a protocol.
(6) The voting rooms must be properly equipped from the professional and technical point of view, so that they can be locked and sealed.