Home > Voting procedures > DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act
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(1) On application a voter may cast his vote on election day at a different polling station of the nomination district in his residential municipality from the one to which the voter is affiliated according to the electoral register, cf. section 18, if a voter’s disability or poor health justifies the change in polling station.

(2) An application to cast a vote at a different polling station of the nomination district in the residential municipality must be submitted to the local council of a voter’s residential municipality not later than by noon eight days prior to election day. If eight days before the election day is a Saturday or a Sunday, or a holiday, the last day for submitting the application is moved to the immediately preceding weekday which day shall not be a Saturday. An application must be submitted previous to every general election and may not be submitted until an election has been called.

(3) The local council shall arrange for a voter whose application has been granted under subsection (1) to be deleted from the electoral register at the polling station to which the voter was initially affiliated and added to the electoral register at the polling station of transfer.

(4) The Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior shall lay down the rules for the change in polling stations on application for voters with a disability or poor health.