Home > 1.6.2 Second round of voting > MOLDOVA – Urgent joint opinion on the draft Law no. 263 amending the Electoral Code, the Contravention Code and the Code of Audiovisual Media Services
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At the outset, ODIHR and the Venice Commission welcome the Republic of Moldova’s efforts to amend its electoral legal and institutional framework, to bring it into compliance with relevant OSCE commitments, Council of Europe and other international human rights instruments as well as good practices. The draft includes some improvements and addresses several prior ODIHR, PACE and Venice Commission recommendations. Positive steps include inter alia clearer definitions of “electoral campaign” and clarifications regarding the timeline for campaigning in the second round; additional provisions aimed at preventing the misuse of administrative resources; expanding the range of sanctions that could be applied for violations of campaign rules; the wide definition of the persons entitled to submit complaints or appeals as well of the appealable acts; and reasonably short deadlines, in particular for complaints and appeals.