Home > Voting procedures > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 41
Conditions of Registration of Candidates for Deputy in the Multi-mandate Constituency Included in the Electoral List of a Party (Bloc)
1. The Central Election Commission shall register candidates for deputy in the multi-mandate constituency included in the electoral list of a party (bloc) subject to the receipt of the following documents:

an application for registration of candidates for deputy signed by the head of the party (heads of the parties that are members of the bloc) and sealed with the seal of the party (seals of the parties that are members of the bloc);

a copy of the certificate of registration of the party (parties that are members of the bloc) and charter of the party (parties that are members of the bloc) certified free of charge by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine after the announcement of the beginning of the electoral process;

an excerpt from the minutes of the convention (meeting, conference) of parties at which the election bloc was created, signed by the heads of the parties that are members of the bloc and sealed with the seals of such parties, if the candidates for deputy are nominated by a bloc;

the constituent agreement of the election bloc if the candidates for deputy are nominated by a bloc;

an excerpt from the minutes of the convention (meeting, conference) of the party (inter-party convention (meeting, conference) of the parties that are members of the bloc) conducted with the purpose of nominating candidates for deputy from the party (bloc), which shall contain the information provided for in Article 40, Item 9 of this Law. The excerpt shall be signed by the head of the party (heads of the parties that are members of the bloc) and sealed with the seal of the party (seals of the parties that are members of the bloc);

the electoral list of candidates for deputy from the party (bloc) in accordance with the form approved by the Central Election Commission;

statements of the persons included in the electoral list of the party (bloc) announcing their consent to be candidates for deputy from this party (bloc), commitment, if elected, to cease the activity or abdicate a representative mandate which in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine are inconsistent with the mandate of a people’s deputy of Ukraine, consent to the publication of their biographical data in connection with their participation in the elections and commitment, if elected, to transfer, within one month from the official announcement of election results, the management of their enterprises and their corporate rights to another person as stipulated in the legislation;

autobiographies of the persons included in the electoral list of the party (bloc) containing up to two thousand printed characters, which shall contain: surname, first name, patronymic, day, month, year and place of birth, citizenship, information about education, employment, position (occupation), place of employment, public work (including elected offices), party membership, family members, home address, length of residence in Ukraine and criminal record;

election programme of the party (bloc) in the official language containing up to seven thousand eight hundred printed characters;

property and income statement for the year preceding the year of the submission of each candidate for deputy and family members thereof in accordance with the form approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine;

11) proof of monetary deposit made in accordance with Article 43 hereof;
12) photographs of the persons included in the electoral list of the party (bloc), whose size and quantity shall be as stipulated by the Central Election Commission.
2. Documents submitted to the Central Election Commission after the announcement of the beginning of the electoral process as stipulated in Article 39, Item 4 of this Law shall not be resubmitted.