Home > 1.6.2 Second round of voting > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 75

Repeat Voting


1.         If two or more candidates for deputies receive the largest and at the same time equal number of votes in a single-mandate election constituency, the constituency election commission makes a decision to hold repeat voting in respect of such candidates for deputies.


2.         The repeat voting is fixed no later than within 14 days after the day of elections and held on Sunday within the limits of the present Law.


3.         The Central Election Commission approves the ballot form for repeat voting in a single-mandate constituency in compliance with Article 62 of the present Law not later than 12 days before the elections.


4.         Constituency election commission approves the ballot text for repeat voting in a single-mandate constituency not later than 2 days after the day of elections subject to Article 62, paragraph 5, of the present Law. The text of such ballot shall be sent to the Central Election Commission without any delay.


5.         Ballots for repeat voting shall be prepared at least 5 days before the day of elections and transmitted to constituency election commission not later than 3 days before the elections.


6.         If out of candidates for deputies that received the largest and at the same time equal number of votes in a single-mandate constituency, there is only one candidate for deputies left as a result of other mentioned candidates’ withdrawal from elections, the constituency election commission repeals the decision on holding repeat voting and takes the decision to declare that candidate people’s deputies of Ukraine elected in the constituency concerned.


7.         If all candidates for deputies that received the largest and at the same time equal number of votes in a single-mandate constituency withdraw their candidatures from elections, the constituency election commission repeals the decision on holding repeat voting and takes the decision to declare elections in the constituency concerned as not conducted.


8.         Constituency election commission sends its decisions mentioned in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article to the Central Election Commission immediately and makes them public in local mass media no later than 2 days after they have been adopted.