Home > 1.6.2 Second round of voting > GEORGIA - Urgent Joint Opinion Revised Draft Amendments to the Election Code
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Paragraph 17

Finally, the revised draft amendments contain several new elements which warrant further revision, inter alia:

- the significant reduction of the period between different rounds of voting on candidates for non-partisan members of the CEC, from four weeks to one, in the transitional provisions of Article 2(12) of the amendment bill, should be reconsidered

- the new transitional provisions of draft Article 196(20) and (22) of the Election Code and of Article 2(2) and (4) of the amendment bill, concerning the parties’ right to appoint CEC members, should be reconsidered;

- the composition and functions of the CEC consultation group should be regulated more closely in the law;

- the significant increase in the DEC and PEC non-partisan members should be reconsidered;

- the right to submit complaints to election commissions should not be limited to persons registered in an electronic registry of persons authorised for election disputes; such a possible registry may be used to facilitate the complaints process, but it must not exclude common citizens from their right to complain.