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Article 42

Openness During the Determination of Referendum Results.

The representatives from labor collectives, public organizations, political parties, mass movements, professional technical mid-level and higher educational institutions, citizens meetings on the territory of their domicile and servicemen in the military units, and state bodies have the right to be present at referendum commission meetings, during tabulation of votes and determining the voting results. The authority of these designated representatives shall be certified by written order or certificate.

The appropriate commissions shall be informed regarding the intention of representatives to be present at voting station premises or at referendum commission meetings no later than two days prior to the voting day. The interference by representatives with the work of the referendum commissions is prohibited. The representatives can be deprived the right to be present at referendum commission meetings only when they have no appropriate written order or certificate.

Representatives can be present at premises for the voting or voting division commission meetings formed in military districts, with the exception of those cases when their activity is conducted in secrete military units. The list of such voting divisions and commissions shall be determined by the Central Commission on All-Ukrainian referendum together with commanders of the appropriate military districts.

Representatives of the mass media shall be guaranteed unrestricted access to all assemblies and meetings related to referendum. Referendum commissions, and state bodies shall provide them with information about the conduct of the referendum.