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Article 68

[An absentee vote shall not be taken into consideration if:

a. the sender is not on the register of electors,

b. the sender has already voted,

c. the sender has waived his/her right to vote in this polling section, cf. Article 51,

d. the sender is deceased prior to election day,

e. the sending envelope contains anything more than one accompanying letter and one ballot envelope,

f. it is evident that the prescribed election documents provided by the Ministry of Justice have not been used,

g. the rules adopted concerning absentee voting have not been complied with, or

h. the vote has not been cast during the time specified in Article 57 and the fifth paragraph of Article 58 of the Act on Elections to the Alþingi, No. 24/2000.

In the event that more that one absentee vote is received from the same voter which could be taken into consideration only the vote most recently cast shall be taken into consideration.]1)

1) Act No. 27/2002, Art. 19.