Home > 2.2 Polling station > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 22

Polling Stations Abroad


1.    Polling stations abroad shall be created by the Central Election Commission upon submission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


2.    Polling stations abroad shall be created at diplomatic and other official representative offices and consular institutions of Ukraine abroad, in military units (formations) deployed outside of Ukraine.


3.    The list of states where many Ukrainian voters reside shall be determined by the Central Election Commission no later than on September 15 of the year before the year of regularly elections of deputies upon submission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


4.    In certain cases, a polling station abroad may be established with premises for voting outside of an official representative office or consular institution of Ukraine. Such polling stations may be created only in big cities of the foreign state where at least 1000 Ukrainian citizens who have voter rights reside or temporarily stay.


5.    In order to ensure timely establishment of polling stations abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, immediately after announcement of the start of the election process, shall request that the authorities of foreign states grant approval, in particular, to establish polling stations with premises for voting outside of the official representative office or a consular institution of Ukraine.


6.    The Central Election Commission shall establish polling stations abroad within time limits determined by paragraph 5 of Article 19 of this Law. The Central Election Commission with its decision shall determine boundaries of each polling station; name and address of a diplomatic, other official representation or a consular institution of Ukraine abroad, where a polling station shall be created or name and location of a military unit (formation) deployed outside of Ukraine; shall determine the premises for voting at a polling station abroad; shall establish a unique numeration of polling stations abroad.


7.    A submission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine as stipulated by part 1 of this Law shall be received by the Central Election Commission no later than 55 days before Election Day. This submission shall be signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and sealed with the Ministry’s seal. A submission shall indicate as follows:


1)    name of the foreign state where a polling station should be established;


2)    name and address of diplomatic, other official representative office or a consular institution of Ukraine abroad where a polling station shall be created, name and address of a military unit (formation) deployed outside of Ukraine;


3)    name and address of the premises for voting;


4)    availability of a written approval of respective authorities of the state of location to open a polling station abroad, including the permission to use the premises for voting outside of an official representative office or a consular institution of Ukraine;


5)    boundaries of each polling station taking into account territories of consular districts or their parts;


6)    approximate number of voters to be included in voter lists.


8.    In exceptional cases when a new diplomatic or other official representative office or consular institution of Ukraine is opened abroad, or a military unit (formation) re-locates, the Central Election Commission may open a polling station abroad no later than 10 days before Election Day upon submission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. This submission should be received by the Central Election Commission no later than 15 days to Election Day. Such submission, in addition to the information stipulated by paragraph 7 of this Article, shall contain a mandatory justification of the necessity to establish a respective polling station abroad.