Home > Counting procedures/validity of ballots > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies
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Article 94

Tabulation of Voting Results in Foreign Election District


1.    At its meeting, the Central Election Commission shall receive, consider and promulgate protocols of polling station commissions on voting results at respective polling stations in foreign election district or information about the contents of respective protocol on voting results transmitted by the technical means of communication, under the procedure stipulated by paragraph 6, Article 91 of this Law.


2.    After receiving and considering protocols of polling station commissions in foreign election district on counting of votes in polling stations, the Central Election Commission at the same meeting and on the basis of protocols of polling station commissions on counting of votes on polling stations and information on content of such protocols of polling station commissions, transmitted by the technical means of communication, shall tabulate the information in foreign election district, under the procedure stipulated by paragraph 1, Article 93 of this Law.


3.    Information on voting results in a foreign election district shall be announced at the meeting of the Central Election Commission and put down in figures and words to the protocol of the Central Election Commission on voting results in a foreign election district.


4.    The protocol mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be drawn up, under the procedure stipulated by paragraphs 2, 4 - 6 of Article 93 of this Law.


5.    The protocol mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Article should be drawn up in two copies. The protocol shall be signed by the head, deputy head, a secretary and other members of the Central Election Commission who are present at the meeting, and stamped with the stamp of the Central Election Commission. The protocol shall contain date and time (hour and minutes) when it was signed by the members of the Central Election Commission. The member of the Central Election Commission who is present at the meeting must sign the protocol on voting results. If he/she does not agree with the tabulated results, recorded in the protocol of the Central Election Commission, the member of the Central Election Commission shall sign the protocol, adding “With dissenting opinion.” The dissenting opinion stated in writing shall be appended to the protocol on voting results. If the signature of a member of the Central Election Commission is absent from the protocol, the reason of the member of the Central Election Commission absence at its meeting shall written next to his/her name. Candidates for deputies, representatives of parties (blocs) in the Central Election Commission, authorized representatives of parties (blocs) in the all-national constituency who were present at the meeting when voting results in foreign election district were tabulated shall have the right to sign the first copy of the protocol. The content of the protocol should be published on the official web site of the Central Election Commission.


6.    Upon their request, candidates for deputies, representatives of parties (blocs) in the Central Election Commission shall be immediately provided with a copy of the protocol (including the protocol marked “Amended”) of the Central Election Commission on voting results in a foreign election district one copy per each party (bloc). Each page of the mentioned copies shall be authorized by signatures of the Head and the secretary of the Central Election Commission and stamped with the Central Election Commission stamp.