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§ 5

§ 5. Upon simultaneous conduct of two or more types of elections, in cases other than when only elections of municipal councillors and mayors are conducted, the provisions of this Code shall apply with the following exceptions:

1. (Amend. – SG 98/14, in force from 28.11.2014) upon conduct of elections of municipal councillors and mayors simultaneously with elections of National Representatives, of President and Vice President of the Republic or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, a voter, who is included in the electoral rolls for the separate types of elections in different settlements and cannot vote in all types of elections in one and the same settlement on a request for voting according to the present address, shall submit an application, completed in a standard form, to the authority referred to in Art. 23 para. 1 herein exercising jurisdiction over the permanent address (residence address) thereof, to the effect that the said voter wishes to vote in the settlement where the said voter is included in the electoral rolls for the elections of municipal councillors and mayors; any such application shall be submitted not later than 14 days in advance of election day; the authority referred to in Art. 23 para. 1 herein shall issue a voting certificate for a specified settlement in a single copy; the said certificate shall specify the settlement for which the said certificate is issued; the authority referred to in Art. 23 para. 1 herein shall deliver information on the certificates issued to the Directorate General Civil Registration and Administrative Services at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works not later than 12 days in advance of election day for the automated removal of the voter from the electoral roll according to the permanent address (residence address); Art. 34, 35 and 240 herein shall apply to any unregulated matters;

2. upon simultaneous conduct of elections of National Representatives or of President and Vice President of the Republic or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, a joint constituency election commission shall be appointed for each constituency (district);

3. upon conduct of elections of municipal councillors and mayors simultaneously with elections of President and Vice President of the Republic or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, the authorities referred to in Art. 74 herein shall exercise the powers of authorities referred to in Art. 59 herein and, to this end:

a) 15 members shall be appointed if there are up to 150 polling stations within the territory of the municipality, 23 members shall be appointed if there are more than 150 polling stations, 31 members shall be appointed, for the cities subdivided into boroughs, and 39 members shall be appointed for Sofia Municipality;

b) the Central Election Commission shall set the remunerations of the members of the precinct election commissions within Bulgaria in doubling the amount of the remuneration under Art. 97, para. 2;

4. the voter shall receive the voting ballot paper and shall be admitted to voting only after the particulars according to the identity document thereof are checked against the particulars on the electoral rolls for each type of election which is conducted and after the Uniform Civil Number (Personal Number) and the type and number of the identity document (the number of the identity card or passport) of the voter are entered on each one of the electoral rolls;

5. upon simultaneous conduct of elections of President and Vice President of the Republic or of National Representatives or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria:

a) where elections of President and Vice President of the Republic are conducted [simultaneously] with elections of National Representatives or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, lots shall be drawn first at the Central Election Commission to determine the numbers of the parties, coalitions of parties and nomination committees on the ballot paper for the elections of President and Vice President of the Republic; the parties and coalitions of parties, which are registered under an identical name and with identical complement for the elections of President and Vice President of the Republic and of National Representatives or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, shall be assigned the same ballot paper number for the elections of National Representatives or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria as the one determined by lot for the elections of President and Vice President of the Republic;

b) where elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria are conducted with elections of National Representatives, lots shall be drawn first at the Central Election Commission to determine the ballot paper numbers for the elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria; the parties and coalitions of parties, under an identical name and with identical complement for the elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria and for the elections of National Representatives, shall be assigned the same ballot paper number for the elections of National Representatives as the one determined by lot for the elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria;

c) in the cases other than those referred to in "a" and "b", lots shall be drawn to determine the ballot paper numbers for the elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria or of National Representatives among the parties and coalitions of parties which have not participated in the drawing of lots referred to in "a" or "b"; the ballot paper numbers of the parties, coalitions of parties and nomination committees shall follow the numbers on the ballot paper or, respectively, of the ballot papers of the parties, coalitions of parties and nomination committees as determined by the drawing of lots under "a" or "b";

6. in the cases where elections of municipal councillors and mayors are conducted simultaneously with elections of President and Vice President of the Republic:

a) the parties and coalitions of parties, which are registered under an identical name and with identical complement at the Central Election Commission and at the municipal election commissions, shall be assigned the same ballot paper number for the elections of municipal councillors and mayors as the one determined by the lots drawn at the Central Election Commission for the elections of President and Vice President of the Republic, and the said parties and coalitions of parties shall not participate in the drawing of lots at the municipal election commissions under "b";

b) the number on the ballot paper of the parties and coalitions of parties, which are registered under different names and in different complements at the Central Election Commission and at the municipal election commissions, for the elections of municipal councillors and mayors shall be determined by lot drawn at the municipal election commissions; the numbers on the ballot paper of the parties, coalitions of parties and nomination committees shall follow the numbers on the ballot paper of the parties, coalitions of parties and nomination committees as determined by the lot drawn at the Central Election Commission under "a";

7. where elections of municipal councillors and mayors are conducted simultaneously with elections of National Representatives or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, the numbers on the ballot papers for the elections conducted shall be determined according to the procedure established by item 6;

8. the reverse side of the ballot papers for the separate types of elections shall have print security features of a different colour determined by the Central Election Commission;

9. the ballot papers for the respective types of elections shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes;

10. the candidate lists for municipal councillors and mayors of one and the same party or coalition of parties, may be represented jointly by one election agent in one polling station on election day for all types of elections conducted;

11. after preparing the draft for the one type of election, it shall be proceeded with the opening of the ballot boxes for the other type of election; the tally sheet for which the draft has been prepared shall be completed after the ballot boxes for the other type of election are checked as to whether any ballot papers for the first type of election have not been dropped there as well; upon simultaneous conduct of elections of municipal councillors and mayors with elections of President and Vice President of the Republic or of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, the first step shall be to open the ballot boxes and to determine the result of the voting for President and Vice President of the Republic or, respectively, for Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria;

12. the constituency or the municipal election commission shall establish a schedule for the acceptance of the election stationery and materials from the precinct election commissions;

13. the packed election stationery and materials shall be placed in bags which will differ in colour for each type of election; the type and size of the said bags shall be determined by decision of the Central Election Commission; the election stationery and materials for the separate types of elections shall be safe-kept on different premises;