4ALBANIA - Constitution of Albania (2020)
AUSTRIA - Extracts of the Costitution (2000)
BELGIUM - Constitution (2020)
BELGIUM - Extracts Constitution (2014)
BELGIUM - Extracts of the Constitution (2001)
CANADA - Constitution (2020)
GERMANY - Constitution (2022)
ITALY - Extracts of the Constitution (1947)
LUXEMBOURG- Extracts of the Constitution (1994)
MOROCCO - Constitution (2011)
PORTUGAL - Extracts of the Constitution (2005)
SLOVAKIA - Constitution (2002)
SWITZERLAND - Constitution (2020)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (1999)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (2015)
UKRAINE - Constitution (1996)
14BULGARIA - Election Code (2023)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2002)
AUSTRIA - Federal Law on National Council Elections (Regulations on National Council Elections 1992 – NRWO) (1992)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2000)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2016)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA - Election Law (2001)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2018)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2019)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2020)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2021)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2014)
CANADA - Elections Act (2019)
CROATIA - Act on Election of Members of Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units (2005)
CROATIA - Law on the Election of Members of the Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-government Units (2001)
DENMARK- Folketing (Parliamentary) Election Act (1987)
FINLAND - Election Act (2013)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2018)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2013)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI on Election Procedure (2021)
MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico (2014)
MEXICO - General Law on Political Parties (2014)
MOLDOVA- Electoral Code (1997)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (2013)
NORWAY - Election Act (2018)
POLAND - Election Code (2019)
POLAND - Election Code (2011)
POLAND - Election Code Amendments (2023)
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2022)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens to Participate in a Referendum (2002)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the Bodies of Self-government Regions and on Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure (2001)
SWEDEN - Elections act (2021)
SWEDEN - Elections Act (2005)
UNITED KINGDOM - Elections Act (2022)
UNITED KINGDOM - Elections Act (2024)
ARMENIA- Opinion on the issue of the Immunity of Persons involved in the Electoral Process (2008)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Mode of Election of Delegates to the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Amicus Curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on certain provisions of the Election Law, of the constitution of the federation and of the statue of the city of Mostar (2010)
GEORGIA - Joint opinion on draft amendments to the Election Code and the Law on Political Associations of Citizens (2022)
MOLDOVA - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code and other Related Laws Concerning Ineligibility of Persons Connected to Political Parties Declared Unconstitutional (2023)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Draft Working Text amending the Election Code (2010)
MOLDOVA- Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
MOLDOVA- Opinion on the Law of the Gagauz Autonomous Territorial Unit of the Election of the Governor of Gagauzia (2007)
Report on Democracy, Limitation of Mandates and Incompatibility of Political Functions (2012)
Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administration in Europe (2020)
Report on Electoral Rules and Affirmative Action for National Minorities´Participation in Decision-Making Process in European Countries (2005)
Report on Proportional Electoral Systems: The Allocation of seats inside the lists (open/closed) lists (2015)
Report on Term-Limits Part II - Members of Parliament- Part III - Representatives elected at Sub-national and Local Level and Executive Officials electred at Sub-national and Local Level (2019)
Report on the Abolition of Restrictions on the right to vote in General Elections (2005)
Report on the Identification of Electoral Irregularities by Statistical Methods (2018)
Report on the Identification of Electoral Irregularities by Statistical Methods (2018)
Report on the Impact of Electoral Systems on Women's Representation in Politics (2009)
Report on the Recall of Mayors and Local Elected Representatives (2019)
Report out-of Country Voting (2011)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION- Opinion on the Federal Law on the Election of the Deputies of the State Duma (2012)
UKRAINE - Opinion on the Draft Election Code of the Verkhovna Rada (2010)
UKRANIE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law Amending Certain Legislative Acts Which Restrict the Participation in the State Power of Persons Associated with Political Parties Whose Activities are Prohibited by Law (2023)