Home > 1.2.2 Equal voting power/constituency delimitation > AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO)
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Article 52

(1) Each community is a place of election.

(2) Outside of Vienna the community electoral authorities shall determine whether a community shall be partitioned in precincts according to § 53. The community electoral authorities, and the city council for Vienna, shall fix the precincts and determine, subject to the following provisions, the respective polling stations, the zones of prohibition provided for in § 58 al. 1, and the time of election. The precincts, polling stations, zones of prohibition and the time of election shall be determined in time on the fifth day before the day of election, except the special precincts.

(3) The orders made shall be publicly announced by the community in the usual local manner, in any case, however, by posting them at the building of the polling station, on the fifth day before the day of election at the latest. In the public announcement reference shall also be made to the prohibition on election campaigning, on assembly, and on carrying weapons laid down in § 58, and reference shall be made that violations will be prosecuted.

(4) The community electoral authorities, and the city council in Vienna, shall, when fixing the special precincts, simultaneously determine the number of special electoral authorities to be established according to § 73. This order shall be publicly announced immediately in the usual local manner.

(5) Subject to facilities opportunities each community, and each district in Vienna, shall provide for establishing at least one polling station easily accessible for handicapped people. For blind voters and such persons with heavy visual defects appropriate guiding systems shall be provided subject to technical opportunities.

(6) The orders made by the community electoral authority shall be reported without delay to the district electoral authority.