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Article 104

Submitting the notification of the decision In Parliamentary elections and European Parliamentary elections, the decision of the Provincial Administrative Court must be submitted to the appellant and to the electoral district committee in question and to the representatives of parties and joint lists and to the Ministry of Justice. In addition, the decision shall be announced in a broadcast of a broadcasting company without delay, if the decision haslaid down that the result of the election shall be rectified or that new elections shall be held. In municipal elections, the decision of the Provincial Administrative Court must be submitted to the appellant, to the municipal executive board, to the municipal central election committee, to the representatives of parties and joint lists and, if the decision lays down that the result of the election shall be rectified or that new elections shall be held, to the Ministry of Justice. The municipal central election committee shall, without delay, make the decision of the Provincial Administrative Court public also to the members of the municipality by placing the decision on the public notice board of the municipality for a period of seven days.