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Article 42

Seats belonging to a particular electoral list shall be allocated to candidates from that list, in accordance with provisions of this Law.

If a particular electoral list has won more seats than there are candidates for councillors nominated by such list, the seat shall be allocated to the electoral list having the next largest part of a fraction.

If two or more electoral lists have the same or the next largest part of a fraction, the seat shall be allocated to the electoral list that has won the greater number of seats.

One third of won seats is allocated to the candidates in the list according to their sequence.

The electoral list nominator shall no later than within 10 days of publication of the overall election results inform the electoral commission about the candidates in the list who will be allocated the remaining two thirds of seats, of which every fourth seat shall be allocated to a person of less represented sex in the list.

If the electoral list nominator fails to provide the information, or provides the information contrary to paragraph 5 of this Article, the electoral commission shall inform him in writing that he/she is obliged to do so within the additional 5-day deadline, with a warning in respect of the consequences for failing to do so.

If the electoral list nominator fails to provide the information within the additional time limit, or again provides the information contrary to paragraph 5 of this Article, the electoral commission shall allocate all won seats to the candidates according to their sequence in the list. No complaint may be filed against such decision.

In case of a coalition of parties, the remaining two thirds of won seats shall be allocated in accordance with the coalition agreement referred to in Article 19 hereof.