Home > 3.2 Proportional systems > UKRAINE - Opinion on the Draft Law Amending the Law on Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine Presented by People's Deputies Lavrynovych and Portnov
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Paragraph 16

The draft preserves the present proportional representation in one nationwide constituency but introduces two-round elections. It keeps the three-percent threshold to get into the legislative organ. The basic new rule in contained in the revised Article 1:


“The first round of elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall be held on a population basis. The seats shall be distributed among the political parties (blocs) whose tickets have gained as the result of voting in the election of deputies not less than three percent of votes of the voters who have taken part in the poll. The final returns of election to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall be determined in the second round in which the two parties (blocs) which have gained the maximum number of votes in the first round shall take part.”