Home > Counting procedures/validity of ballots > UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law No. 3366 about Elections to the Parliament
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Paragraph 66

Before voting begins, each PEC must inform the DEC of the number of voters on the voter list and the number of voters on the mobile voting list (Article 78.13). This information must be relayed to the CEC by the DEC no later than 24:00 hours on election day (Article 78.14). This is part of a process of enhancing accountability in respect of voting with the mobile ballot box and the use of absentee voting certificates. For avoiding any doubts, it may be sensible to indicate what methods of communication may be employed for this purpose by the PEC (the draft law already stipulates which methods of communication may be used by DECs). The draft law should also allow candidates, official observers and media representatives to be given this information at the PEC and the DEC. The same applies to similar information required to be forwarded by the PEC and DECs at the end of election day.