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Article 66

Documents on the Nomination of a Candidate for Deputy Submitted to the District or Territorial Electoral Commission


Supreme territorial managerial bodies or primary organisations of political parties and meetings (conferences) of electors in labour collectives shall take decisions on nomination of a candidate for deputy that have to be recorded into a record and submitted to the respective district or territorial electoral commission within a five-day period but not later than 40 days before the elections. The record shall specify the name of the supreme, territorial managerial body or of the primary organisation of the political party, data on the labour collective, their addresses and telephone numbers, the number of members of the body of the political party and of the labour collective and the number of participants in the sitting of the body, the meeting of the primary organisation of the political party or the meeting (conference) of the collective, the date of the sitting or meeting (conference), the results of the vote, the decision taken showing the surname, name and patronymic name, the date of birth, the profession, the position (occupation), the place of work and residence and the party membership of the person nominated as candidate for deputy and the electoral district in which he is nominated.


When a candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives is nominated, the record shall enclose a written application of the candidate for deputy to the district electoral commission stating his consent to stand as candidate in the given electoral district and the respective documents (copies of the certificate on registration of the political party and its charter; a certificate on the availability in the electoral district of a primary organisation of the political party that nominated the candidate for deputy specifying the exact address of the primary organisation; a certificate stating that the candidate for deputy is a member of the political party that has nominated him; biographic data on the person nominated as candidate for deputy specifying data stipulated by the Central Commission, whereas in relation to persons mentioned in parts one and two of Article 59 of this Code – their applications stating their consent to leave the position or terminate powers of the member of the Council of the Republic or the deputy of the local Council of Deputies if elected as deputy of the Chamber of the Representatives; and a certificate stating that the organisation the labour collective of which nominated the candidate for deputy is the legal person).


When a candidate for deputy of a local Council of Deputies is nominated, the record shall enclose a written application of the candidate for deputy to the district electoral commission stating his consent to stand as candidate in the given electoral district and the respective documents (copies of the certificate on registration of the political party and its charter; a certificate on the registration of the organisational structure of the political party that nominated the candidate for deputy stating also that he is a member of this party stating the date of formation and the precise address of the primary organisation of the political party that nominated the candidate for deputy; biographic data on the person nominated as candidate for deputy specifying data stipulated by the Central Commission, whereas in relation to persons mentioned in parts three and four of Article 59 of this Code – their applications stating their consent to leave the occupied position or terminate powers of the deputy of the Chamber of the Representatives).


Nomination of a candidate for deputy by way of collection of signatures of electors shall be informed to the district or territorial electoral commission not later than 40 days before the elections by submission of signature lists and an application of the candidate for deputy to the district electoral commission stating his consent to stand as candidate in the given electoral district, whereas in relation to persons mentioned in Article 59 of this Code – their application stating their consent to leave the occupied position or terminate powers of the member of the Council of the Republic or deputy of the local Council of Deputies if elected as deputy of the Chamber of Representatives or, if elected as deputy of the local Council of Deputies, their application stating their consent to leave the occupied position or terminate powers of the deputy of the Chamber of Representatives as well biographic data on the person nominated as candidate for deputy specifying the data stipulated by the Central Commission.


Electors who nominated a candidate for deputy by way of collection of signatures shall have the right, before submitting the signature lists to the district, territorial electoral commission, remove their signatures from the signature lists by submitting of this fact an application to the respective electoral commission.


Signature lists must be kept in district or territorial electoral commissions and, after termination of their powers, handed over for storage to the bodies that formed these commissions.