(Allocation of seats and announcement of the winning list or coalition of lists)
- The admission of the list to the allocation of seats;
- The number of seats of the Great and General Council to which each list is entitled.
- Female candidate;
- The longest serving Council Member;
- The oldest candidate.
a) The number of votes of each of the lists belonging to the coalition, including lists which are not admitted to the allocation of seats according to paragraph 4 of this article;
b) The votes cast in favour of the coalition, without any list being marked according to Art. 36, paragraph 1.
- The lists which are not eligible for the allocation of seats according to paragraph 4 of this article shall be excluded;
- The number of votes of each of the lists eligible for seat allocation according to paragraph 4 of this article are successively divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth, until the number 60 (sixty), corresponding to the number of members of the Great and General;
- Quotients thus obtained are ranked in descending order, from the highest to the lowest.
10. Seats of the Great and General Council shall be allocated, according to the operations described in paragraph 9, to the list or coalition of lists declared as winner for having reached the minimum number of votes according to paragraph 7 or, if this is not the case, for having reached the highest number of votes and the 30 highest quotients. If, according to the operations described in paragraph 9, the number of seats to which the winning list or coalition of lists is entitled is lower than 35, additional seats shall be allocated to the winner as a “stability reward”, in a number which is equal to the quantity of seats missing to reach the number of 35. The additional seats, allocated as a “stability reward”, shall be those corresponding to the lowest quotients according to the operations described in paragraph 9; those seats shall be removed from the lists which are different from the winning list or which are not part of the winning coalition, starting from the lowest quotients. If one list is entitled to more seats than its number of candidates, seats in excess shall be allocated to other lists within the same coalition, according to the descending order of quotients. Parliamentary groups that would fall below the minimum number of three Council Members as a result of the reallocation of seats due to the “stability reward” shall not lose the funding benefits referred to in Law No. 170, 23 November 2005.
11. If there is no need for a second round of voting, once the operations referred to above are concluded, the Central Electoral Office shall officially proclaim the elected Council Members, as well as the winning list or coalition of lists, which will receive the majority of seats and a possible “stability reward”.
12. In case of a second round of voting, the Central Electoral Office shall receive from the polling stations the reports containing the results of the counting of votes. It shall verify which of the two lists or coalitions of lists received the highest number of valid votes and allocate the seats according to previous paragraphs, and finally proclaim the elected Council Members, as well as the winning list or coalition of lists, which will receive the majority of seats and the “stability reward”.
13. The publication of the Regency Decree calling for the second round of voting shall open the election campaign, which shall terminate by 12:00 a.m. of the second day preceding the election day, according to Law No. 36, 14 March 1997, Art. 1, paragraph 1. The same lists admitted to the first round of the elections can participate in the election campaign. The appointment of Chairpersons of the polling stations and scrutineers, performed by the Electoral Commission according to Art. 23 of this law, shall remain valid for the possible second round of voting.