ANDORRA - Electoral Law (2007)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2002)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2021)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2022)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2003)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2019)
AZERBAIJAN - Law on Local Elections (1999)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2000)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2015)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2013)
CROATIA- The Law on the election of the President (1992)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2021)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2016)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2018)
HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure (1997)
HUNGARY - Act CCXXXVIII of 2013 on Initiating Referendums, the European Citizens’ Initiative and Referendum Procedure (2013)
ICELAND - Local Government Elections Act No. 5/1998 (1998)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Electoral Code (2004)
LITHUANIA - Law on Referendum (2002)
MALTA - Referenda Act (2023)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2019)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament) (2017)
MOLDOVA- Electoral Code (1997)
MOLDOVA- Law on the Election of the President (1996)
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2022)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens to Participate in a Referendum (2002)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum (2011)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Act on Political Rights (2022)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Act on Political Rights (2015)
UKRAINE - Law on All-Ukrainian and Local Referendums (1991)
UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the President (2004)
ALBANIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on the Legislative Initiative of the Citizens (2018)
ALBANIA - Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
ARMENIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Referendum (2017)
ARMENIA - Second Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution (In Particular to Chapters 8, 9, 11 to 16) (2015)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion on the 2020 Amendments to the Electoral Legislation (2021)
ITALY- Opinion on the Regulation of Public Participation, Citizen's Bills, Referendums and Popular Initiatives and Amendments to the Provincial Electoral Law of the Autonomous Province of Trento (2015)
Referendums in Europe - An Analysis of the Legal Rules in European States (2005)
Revised Code of Good Practice on Referendums (2022)
SERBIA - Joint opinion on the constitutional and legal framework governing the functioning of democratic institutions - Electoral law and electoral administration (2022)
SERBIA - Urgent Opinion on the Draft Law on the Referendum and the People's Initiative (2021)
SERBIA - Urgent Opinion on the Draft Law on the Referendum and the People's Initiative (2021)
UKRAINE - Comments on the Draft Law on the All-Ukrainian Referendum by Mr O. Lavrynovych (Member of Parliament) (2008)
UKRAINE - Comments on the Draft Law on the All-Ukrainian Referendum by Mr O. Lavrynovych (Member of Parliament) (2009)
UKRAINE - Urgent Joint Opinion on the Draft Law 3612 on Democracy Through All-Ukraine Referendum (2020)